Ghostbusters: Afterlife – The Surprise of NYCC

Ghostbusters: Afterlife - The Surprise of NYCC

It’s rare a sequel brings the same feel of nostalgia as an original does, especially when the previous sequel was so critically panned it became a barometer for how to stop touching classics. The original Ghostbusters was an instant classic, a fun ride in the ethereal world with a couple of fantastic actors (Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis, and Rick Moranis). The sequel was a bit of a let down, but still it was a decent follow up that brought back the team. We don’t talk about the 2016 Ghostbuster movie, so this was a welcome surprise. The new cast really enriched the scenery they were in while the legacy cast filled necessary pockets without being overbearing. Seeing Jason and Ivan team up on this was awesome.

Bonus: The NYCC crowd got a sneak peek of the movie! (A solid 9/10)

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