God’s Time – A Compelling Debut

God's Time - A Compelling Debut

“God’s Time,” the compelling debut feature film from writer-director Daniel Antebi, explores themes of recovery and friendship uniquely and captivatingly. Set in New York City, the film follows two friends attempting to prevent an acquaintance from making a devastating mistake. With a talented cast of newcomers, “God’s Time” offers a fresh and refreshing perspective on the complexities of sobriety and relationships.

God's Time - A Compelling Debut

The film’s early scenes, featuring Dev (Ben Groh), invite comparisons to “Zola,” as on-screen text introduces the characters and sets the stage for a gripping narrative. Regina (Liz Caribel) is in a downward spiral after her ex-boyfriend Russell moves in evicts her, and steals her dog, triggering a relapse. Regina fixates on her ex and her desire for vengeance at every meeting she attends. Dev and his friend Luca (Dion Costelloe) take it upon themselves to stop Regina from carrying out her plan.
“God’s Time” delivers a nuanced portrayal of sobriety and the intricate relationships in this context. The outstanding performances of the three leads—Caribel, Costelloe, and Groh—capture the relatable and theatrical aspects of the characters’ experiences, reflecting the heightened emotions often associated with recovery.

Liz Caribel’s captivating performance as Regina, which earned her a Special Jury Prize at the 2022 Tribeca Film Festival, commands attention. Her portrayal of the complex and manipulative character is emotionally raw and powerful. Similarly, Dion Costelloe delivers a subtle and skillful performance as Luca, the aspiring actor who initially seems grounded but is later revealed to have his share of problems.
The authentic and heartfelt performances from Caribel, Costelloe, and Groh bring the characters to life, transforming them into figures the audience can relate to and empathize with. “God’s Time” is a fascinating film that draws viewers in with its engaging story and exceptional acting, leaving a lasting impression.

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